Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

ASSIGNMENT 10:  Painting with Light (continuous sources and remote camera flash)

Image 1:  
Composite image of 6 different exposures each with Canon 580 EXII triggered remotely from a different position around subject.  Images shot in darkened studio with no ambient light   Background was translucent white perspex.  Combined layers in Photoshop and painted in desired components of each layer using layer masks.

Exp. Info:  f5.6, 1"  (shutter speed could have been much shorter, since f-stop determines exposure)

Image 2:
Light painting with continuos light source (flash light with diffusion filter) in dark studio with no ambient light. 

Exp. Info:  f4, B (shutter open throughout exposure -- triggered with manual shutter release cable)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Shot 1:  Direct Flash On Camera Priority Setting

f2.8, 1/125, Mode P.  Flash on camera pivoted to right hand side

Shot 2:  Direct Flash On Camera Priority Setting

f5, 1/125, Mode P.  Flash off camera held to bottom right side and facing away from subject 

Shot 3:  Direct Flash On Aperture Priority Setting

f2.8, 1/8, Mode Av.  Flash off camera held to bottom right side and facing away from subject (no tripod...sadly!).

Shot 4:  Direct Flash On Aperture Priority Setting (with light modifier)

f2.8, 1/8, Mode Av.  Flash off camera but direclty in line with subject with mini beauty dish modifier on flash.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012