Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Assignment 3:  One Light Source

Portrait A:  "The Real Jean"
Objective:  To create an open, youthful portrait of Jean, reflecting a "deer in the headlights" innocence
Lighting:  One light source (250 watt halogen bulb) directly above camera at 90° to subject.  Diffusion panel held directly in front of the light to soften.  Image slightly over exposed to create a high-key effect.
Laws:  Inverse square law showing fall off from front to sides of face; light travels in straight lines shown by specular highlights in eyes.  Paying attention to direction of light at 90° to subject created even lighting on both sides of face.

Portrait B:  "The Imagined Jean"
Objective:  To create a dark and mysterious portrait of Jean with an ominous and threatening feel.
Lighting:  One light source (250 watt halogen bulb) at 180° to the subject; black flag on opposite side to prevent any light spill onto dark side of face; small silver card below to throw a small spot of light into eye on dark side of face. 
Laws of Light:  Direction of light highlights one side of face while throwing the other into full shadow, illustrating that light travels in straight lines . 

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