Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Assignment 2:  Light Travels in Straight Lines, Angle of Incidence Equals Angle of Reflection and Inverse Square Law

Image 1 (below):  Shows all three laws of light in one image with single light source.

  • Inverse square illustrated by fall off on card base from light source toward left of frame.
  • Angle of incidence shown by refection off mirror
  • Light travels in straight lines illustrated by passage of light through narrow space between opening of two grey cards.

Image 2 (below):  Alternative set-up A to illustrate three laws with single light source (light source in front of black panels reflecting off mirror) 

  • Fall off between Jean and Barry shows inverse square.
  • Narrow band of light at right border of image (against studio wall) shows light travels in straight line (passing through narrow opening between two flat black panels)
  • Angle of incidence equal to angle of reflection illustrated by light passing through narrow space between black panels and reflecting off mirror to light Joey.

Image 3 (below):  Alternative set-up B to illustrate three laws with single light source (light source behind black panels reflecting off mirror) 

  • Fall off between Joey and Barry shows inverse square.
  • Angle of incidence equal to angle of reflection illustrated by light reflecting off mirror
  • Light passes through narrow opening between black panels to light Jean's profile showing that light travels in straight lines

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